These bows basically represent the peak of my bowmaking regarding both, cast and shooting comfort.
They are inspired by the Victorian Longbows and the American semi Longbow (ASL) but finally represent my own interpreatation and merger of those two.
They actually come in two versions (V1 and V2) which basically only differ in the making of the grip. Some are built with bamboo on the backs, others come with White Ash and other wood-backings. For the midlam I often use maple or serviceberry or a lighter type of mahagonny. For the belly I use Swiss premium yew in the royal version – another version comes with tropiocal hardwoods on the belly like redwood or IPE; finally some are made with local swiss woods like hornbeam, serviceberry or black loust as a belly wood. Each wood provides special characteristics in cast and behaviour and of course by the looks.
I make these bows between 65″ and 68″ in length (nock to nock). The bows may look similar but in the end each bow is a single piece in how it looks and shoots. Some are built and tillered to maximum cast to provide best use in 3D shooting and longer distances, some are tamed a little more to provide maximum accurracy on shorter distance shooting. The best cast is provided by the bamboo/maple/yew combo. All of the bows shoot a 10-grains-per-pound-arrow (gpp) between 170fps and 185fps when freshly built and will settle in with a loss of around 5% after a few hundred arrows; then they shall remain stable over the years. As a standard they are built to a drawlength of 28″, whereat on request drawlengths between 24″ and 32″ are possible.
Recommended arrowweight is 9gpp for longer distances and 11gpp for short distances; on the lower end the arrowwweight shall not be less than 7gpp.