Of course I will happily customize and build any desired bow for you. Prices below. Please get in contact.
Base Price (Drawweight 25# to 60#) is CHF 800.-
Leather Handle: 50.-
Recurves: 50.-
Deflex/Reflex: 100.-
Osagewood: 50.-
Rawhidebacking: 70.-
Artwork/Coloring Rawhide: 50.-
Sinewbacking: 150.-
Drawweight > 60#: 100.-/10#
Special requests or Kids-Bows by arrangement.
Bowwoods at disposal:
Yew, Osage, Elm, Black Locust, Hazel, White Ash. More special woods like Laburnum or Compression Spruce on request.
Handle, Tips and Arrowrest:
The handle is shaped according to the customer’s wishes: the classic shape is possible, but also a more or less pronounced pistol grip. Depending on preference and hand size, the grip can be either fine or bulky. My grips are always rather fine and designed as Z-grips close to the centre shot, which makes a firing window unnecessary and a simple arrow rest will be sufficient.
The materials used for tips and handles
can be freely chosen from my collection; for the handles (extra charge)
various leathers and other natural materials (bast/rawhide, etc.) are
available. For the nocks (no surcharge) various hardwoods, antlers, horn
in different colours are available.
English Longbows made from Yew
Up to 70 pounds CHF 800.-
Stronger Bows: on request
on all bows Dacron or Fastflight (FF), optionally
CHF 680.-
Bowwoods at disposal:
Hornbeam (recommended for bow belly, powerlam and grip)
Serviceberry (recommended for bow belly/midlam/powerlam/handle)
Black Locust (recommended for belly/midlam/powerlam/handle/back)
White Ash (recommended for midlam/powerlam/handle/back)
Yew (recommended for belly/midlam/powerlam/handle)
Maple (recommended for midlam/handle/powerlam)
Pear (recommended for bow belly/midlam/powerlam/handle)
Tropical wood red (recommended for belly/powerlam/handle)
Tropical wood violet (recommended for midlam/powerlam/handle)
Tropical wood dark or IPE (recommended for belly/powerlam/handle)
Handle, Tips and Arrowrest:
The handle is shaped according to the customer’s wishes: the classic shape is possible, but also a more or less pronounced pistol grip. Depending on preference and hand size, the grip can be either fine or bulky. My grips are always rather fine and designed as Z-grips close to the centre shot, which makes a firing window unnecessary and a simple arrow rest will be sufficient.
The materials used for tips and handles can be freely chosen from my collection; for the handles (extra charge) various leathers and other natural materials (bast/rawhide, etc.) are available. For the nocks (no surcharge) various hardwoods, antlers, horn in different colours are available.
on all bows Dacron or Fastflight (FF), optionally
I will be happy to advise you!