Selfbow Pfeilbogen Holzbogen kaufen Recurve Langbogen Longbow Eibe Bogenschiessen Bogenbauer Schweiz Tradbow Primbogen Historische ELB Eibenbogen Goldregen Osage Hill-Style Howard Hill



Assyrian Style


High Performance / Long Draw / Short bow / Natural Material / High Poundage

Horn-sinew-wood composites first showed up in old Egypt and Mesopotamia before they spread towards Turkey and Asia. Precedentor of the scythian bow. Big Luck that we found originals in the grave of tut so we can study how they were really made….and that is truly impressive for the time.the deflex element…to be able to draw the bow further and keep good straing angle. later this deflex element was not used anymore because the started to do shyas to keep a good strting angle….

I make these bows from 25 to 50 pounds drawweight and up to 30″ of drawlength.

A 32″ version is currently being tested.

Fast enough and sure faster than most modern glass laminated longbows – probably even equal to a good recurve made of modern materials (.-;

Depending on setup, drawlength and release the 200fps are a real life experience with this bow.

Click here for 33#/10.3gpp test on the shooting machine.

Click here for the 40#/ 6.9 gpp test shot by hand.

No, not as long as your arrows are above 8 grains per pound (gpp). And as long as you are not from the delicately strung fraction and like to get the full speed potential of the bow, 7gpp are allowed and great fun. This bow does not need a monster grip and heavy weight in the riser to cover handshock. The handshock here is avoided by constructing it the right way.

Yes, this bow complies with I.F.A.A. and IBO legal for the longbow class.

The bow with z-handle is cut close to centershot. That will ease tuning in the arrows and allow a true flight for a broad range of spine. It especially well tolerates stiffer arrows.

And of course my man Bruno Minder already got 2024 Swiss Longbow Champion 30m with his Turbo! Longbow.

No. Compared to wooden bows this type is very forgiving. The Material has big reserves and does not fatigue. It does not care being strung over a longer time nor a higher brace. Unlike classic hornbows there is no need to straighten or adjusting before shooting. Due to the high reflex I do however recommend stringing it with a stringer.

This bow is designed and built state of the art using the toughest and most exclusive natural materials available. Of course it’s coming with my standard 1 year warranty.

yes, it is somewhat more expensive than its wooden counterpart and costs 900 Swiss Francs in a custom build. However, besides high material costs the production also requires a good deal of extra work and know how. However this is mirrorred in the final product that offers a lot more than a wooden bow: a less sensitive, more durable and faster bow. Also a world’s first with tremendous shooting performance. An absolute one-off on the market eye-catcher, made from purely natural materials and with the performance of a modern high-performance bow. lol.

Nobody. But everybody wants one.