
Oui, en juin, nous étions à Berne, où nous avons également rencontré M. JJ. Oui, et nous avons pu y façonner des pointes de flèches en cire, qui nous ont ensuite été coulées en bronze dans le sable. Oui, c’est le petit arc en if que je faisas a Berne aussi. Oui, une petite voyage […]

10 Jahre Lehrgeld

When you finally decide to clean up the shop…and wonder about the shear number 10 years of tuition fee. 10 years of mistakes, experiments and bad luck. Bonfires are totally out. Lets make a bowfire!

Was auch mal gesagt sein darf: Meine Bogen sind offiziell die schnellsten!

Together with the magazine “Traditionell Bogenschiessen”, we tested a large number of longbows on the shooting machine at the archery fair in Eigeltingen. It turned out that the classic wooden bows were in most cases performed better than modern bows made of glass and carbon. The fastest bows were of course from Check this […]

Ein gutes neues Jahr und danke!

It was in the beginning of 2023 when I finally decided to sell my bows and set up this page. It was my 2023 experiment and I had no idea on weather it would work out or not. It started slowly and took a while to get your attention. But in the meantime it looks […]

Splintholz bei Goldregen (und Eibe)

You cannot buy good bowwood at amazon. Good bowwood is a steady journey – it needs a bit of luck and open eyes. Today I was lucky to score a few pieces of Laburnum (Golden Chain). Laburnum beneath Yew is probably the best bowwod that grows around here. It was already used in the middle […]

When you’re relatively new to the market, you’re also happy about little things. look how Randy rated my bow on Etsy (-;

Selfbogen und Sehnenlage

A proper string alignement is essential for any bow. Despite it’s importance the string alignement is not the first thing you pay attention when tackling a stave and roughing out the front profile of a selfbow. The first thing you pay attention when roughing out a bow and establish the front profile is the grain […]

Guter Eibensplint vs. schlechter Eibensplint

Yep Sapwood – in opposite to the heartwood – is very sensitive. If seasoned too humid it will go moldy. If seasoned to warm and dry – like under the roof in a screed – it will overdry. Today I prepered 4 yew staves that were gifted to me and it was unclear if they […]

Wie schnell sind diese Bogen?

These bows are fast enough. Of course they cannot compete with a compound bow. They however are not slower than modern longbows, hybrid bows or recurve bows. Every wooden bow is a little different but all of my bows will throw a 10gpp arrow with an arrowspeed of 170fps+ at a drawlength (AMO) of 28″. […]